Why Your Business Should Hire a PNW Biohazard Cleanup Company to Handle Your COVID-19 Cleaning
As more and more businesses around the Pacific Northwest are resuming in-person operations (with some limited restrictions, of course), the importance of making sure your premises is clean and disinfected in light of reducing the spread of this virus is crucial. Yes, you could let your regular janitorial or cleaning service handle it, or perhaps you’ve considered doing it yourself. But there are some very good reasons why the best idea is to work with a professional biohazard mediation and cleanup company like ours.

A regular janitorial service may not have this particular type of training. And while no doubt they’ve educated themselves on the particular required or recommended protocols, they most likely lack the experience. This is, after all, a newly emerged disease. But a biohazard remediation company like MedTech has been working in this industry for awhile, and there are certain procedures common decontaminating and sanitizing from ANY infectious organism.
As a business owner, your health and safety is crucial to the operation of your business as well as the livelihood of your employees. And chances are, you’ve got quite a bit of other things to do to get your business up and running again. Plus, the same reasons apply as the point above; in all likelihood you aren’t trained to do this properly. You may not even be aware of all the requirements. Yes, getting areas sanitized effectively is important, but so is doing it with the safety of the cleaning person in mind.
We understand that the desire to be able to get people back to work is strong, and we support that. But bringing in your employees to do COVID-19 cleaning is NOT a good idea. You risk the liability you’d assume if they got exposed. You need those employees for the jobs you hired them to do, and this type of work is likely not it!
So, if it’s time to get your place of business back in operation, and you need COVID-19 cleanup, disinfecting, and sanitizing to do that, give us a call. We are a trained biohazard remediation company serving the greater Seattle and Spokane areas, as well as other locations around the nearby Pacific Northwest. Professional cleanup from this virus, that meets or exceeds CDC and EPA standards, is just one of our services.