Our Bio-Hazard & Trauma Cleanup Company Staff Attends Recent First Responders Conference in Spokane

Lisa Riddle and Lesli Martin of MedTech (photo courtesy of First Responder Conferences)
As a bio-hazard and trauma remediation company, a big part of what we do involves working in conjunction with first responders. But we recently had the opportunity to shift things a little – concentrating on care for first responders. MedTech staff members Lisa Riddle and Lesli Martin recently attended a two-day First Responders Conference in Spokane.
First Responders Conferences was launched in 2016 by Seattle police deputy Shawn Thomas with encouragement from her peer support officer. The initial conference – and those which followed – focus on the mental health and wellness of first responders. The main purpose is to save lives of those who are usually first on the scene in an accident, violent crime, or other trauma. Mental health in this field is crucial, because first responders have a rate of suicide that’s at least five times that of the general population.
MedTech was on hand to share information about the services we provide as well as participate in the training. Said Lesli, “We are so aware of how much first responders do to help people in traumatic situations, so to be able to participate in an event that provides training and support for their own well-being is very gratifying. We’re thankful that an organization like this exists, and we’re proud to be able to be a part of it.”
First Responder Conferences are held around the entire U.S. This is the first event that MedTech has attended, but we expect it won’t be the last.